R-value is an important term in the insulation world. But what exactly does it mean and why is it significant? Basically, the R-value measures how effective an insulation material is at stopping heat transfer (the R stands for “resistance”).
Insulation helps resist the flow of heat, helping keep it inside during the winter and outside during the hottest months. Reducing the flow of heat in your home can keep your energy costs low, so good insulation is important, regardless of a home’s age or size.
Contact Hinkle Insulation to install insulation and start living more efficiently and comfortably, or keep reading to learn more about the importance of R-value!
How Is Insulation R-Value Calculated?
Here is a quick example: Solid wood has an R-value of 1. An R-value is also calculated per inch of width. Therefore, a three-inch-thick board has an R-value of 3. Blown fiberglass installed in the attic has an R-value of 2.2 per inch, so 12 inches of it would give you an R-value of 26.4 in your attic installation project.
What R-Value Is Best for My Home?
A higher number isn’t necessarily better for your home. The problem with insulators that have a higher R-number is they tend to be more expensive, and some homes in certain climates don’t need as much insulation as others. For example, homeowners in northern Minnesota need insulation that can perform effectively in negative-digit temperatures—which is usually not much of a concern in Texas! That’s why the Department of Energy came up with a system that rates different areas of the United States, recommending the ideal R-value for each region. Here in the Austin area, we are in zone 2.
Where to install insulation is the second thing you’ll need to know, because different areas of your home require different R-values. Attic insulation needs a higher R-value than the walls because heat naturally rises and can escape through your attic.
After you’ve figured out your zone and where your insulation is going to go, you can look at your different options and types of insulation—but you won’t be doing this alone. An insulation company will be able to help you with all your needs and explain R-value, the right amount of insulation for your home and more!
Choosing Insulation for Your Austin, TX Area Home
The R-value shouldn’t be the only determining factor when choosing insulation. The age, location and building materials of your home can all play a part in choosing the right insulation. Whatever your project requires, the insulation contractors at Hinkle Insulation have you covered.
Do you want to learn more about our services or are you ready to install insulation in your Austin, Texas area home? Call 512-523-5395 or fill out the form on this page!